CLEAN, friendly and comfortable.
These are the main reasons that dialysis patient S. Kolanda-samy, 66, spends more than an hour in a bus travelling from his home near Komtar to the Bayan Baru Haemodialysis Centre for his treatment every alternate day.

“I have been here for about three weeks and I am happy with the services provided. The doctors and nurses take good care of the patients,” he said.
Kolandasamy, who has been suffering from hypertension-related kidney failure for the past seven years ago, said he does not mind the trouble despite the availability of another haemodialysis centre near his home.

He was among 22 patients who received a visit from Deputy Health Minister Datuk Rosnah Rashid Shirlin during the centre’s official opening on Tuesday.
Rosnah said the Ministry of Health had received a total of 411 applications to set up haemodialysis centres nationwide.
“From that number, 282 have been granted licence to operate including the Bayan Baru Haemo-dialysis Centre,” she said.
She added that the ministry had been enforcing the private Health-care Facilities and Services Act (Act 586) since May 2006 to help ensure a safe and quality healthcare environment.
“Among the requirements are that haemodialysis centres must be staffed by qualified doctors and nurses, and visited by nephrologists, who are physicians trained in kidney diseases and dialysis therapy.
“The premises should be safe and clean whereby patients can receive treatment in relative comfort,” she said.
Rosnah also said some ex- ceptions are made to help hae- modialysis centres get a head start.
“For example, centres are allowed to operate with only 50% qualified staff while waiting for the rest to complete training within a spe-cified time.”
On the infrastructure and facilities in the state, she said there are 46 haemodialysis centres with 505 dialysis machines serving some 1,630 patients as of late 2009.
Also present at the event were Pantai Jerejak assemblyman Sim Tze Tzin and state Health Department director Dr Teh Lay Choo.
The Bayan Baru Haemodialysis Centre, which started operating on March 21, has 11 dialysis machines costing RM50,000 each and can cater up to 44 patients.
It is operated by Sri Tanjung Medicare Snd Bhd.